
  • Increasing Parents' Engagement on Ed-Tech Platforms: Evidence from the Field (with N. Goyal, A. Okuno and D. Singhvi) preprint
    • Preliminary version presented in Behavioral Operations Conference (2024)
    • People’s Choice Award, Early Career Sustainable OM Workshop (2024)
  • Design of Resale Platforms (with I Morgenstern, D Saban and D Singhvi) preprint
    • Preliminary version presented in 7th Marketplace Innovation Workshop (2022)
  • A Data-Driven Approach to Improve Artisans' Productivity in Distributed Supply Chains (with D Singhvi and X Zhang), Major Revision, Operations Research. preprint
    • Preliminary version presented in Early Career Sustainable OM Workshop (2023)
    • Preliminary version accepted in MSOM Sustainable Operations Management SIG Conference (2023)
    • Third Place, INFORMS Service Science Best Student Paper Award Competition (Zhang, 2023)
    • Finalist, POMS Service Operations Management Student Paper Competition (Zhang, 2023)
    • First Place, POMS Sustainable Operations Student Paper Competition (Zhang, 2023)
  • Online Learning with Sample Selection Bias (with D Singhvi), Minor Revision, Operations Research. preprint
    • Spotlighted Presentation in Revenue Management & Pricing Conference (2022)
  • Improving Cash Constrained Smallholder Farmers' Welfare: The Role of Government Storage and Loan Policies (with J Park and Y Zheng), Major Revision, Management Science. preprint
    • Presented at MSOM Sustainable Operations SIG Conference (2022)
  • Buying Cheap: Brand Switching During Economic Distress and Its Disparate Impact on Consumers (with S Dutta and D Singhvi), Major Revision, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. preprint
  • Improving Farmers' Income on Online Agri-platforms: Evidence from the Field (with R Levi, M Rajan and Y Zheng), Articles in Advance, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. preprint
    • First Place, MSOM Practice-Based Research Competition (2023)
    • First Place, POMS Applied Research Challenge (2021)
    • First Place, INFORMS Public Sector Operations Research Best Paper Award (2020)
    • First Place, POMS Behavioral OM Junior Scholar Paper Competition (2020)
    • First Place, POMS Supply Chain Management Student Paper Competition (2020)
    • First Place, Doing Good With Good OR Competition (2019)
    • Presented at MSOM Sustainable Operations SIG Conference (2019)
  • Artificial Shortage in Agricultural Supply Chains (with R Levi and Y Zheng), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, vol. 24, no. 2 (2022). article
    • First Place, POMS Sustainable Operations Student Paper Competition (2019)
  • Unifying Agricultural Wholesale Markets: Impact on Market Prices and Farmers' Profitability (with R Levi, M Rajan and Y Zheng), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 117, no. 6 (2020):2366-2371. article
    • First Place, MSOM Responsible Research Award (2020)
    • First Place, POMS Sustainable Operations Student Paper Competition (2020)
    • People’s Choice Award, Early Career Sustainable OM Workshop (2020)
  • Economically Motivated Adulteration in Farming Supply Chains (with R Levi and Y Zheng), Management Science, vol. 66, no. 1 (2020): 209-226 article
    • Presented at MSOM Sustainable Operations SIG Conference (2018)
  • A Path to Resiliency: Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 on Essential Medicine Supply Chains (with A McDonnell, E Pisani K Chalkidou and P Yadav), CGD Policy Paper 213 (June 2021). article
  • Predicting Bike Usage for New York City's Bike Sharing System (with D Singhvi, P Frazier, S Henderson, E Mahony, D Shmoys and D Woodard), AAAI Workshop on Computational Sustainability (2015). article

    Invited Book Chapter

    Analytics and Operations to Improve Welfare in Distributed Artisanal Supply Chains (with D Singhvi), Responsible and Sustainable Operations: The New Frontier (Forthcoming), edited by C. Tang. article

    PhD Thesis

    Improving Farmers' and Consumers' Welfare in Agricultural Supply Chains via Data-Driven Analytics and Modeling: From Theory to Practice preprint

    • First Place, George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award (2021).